image by Kate Donovan Photography
THE BOSTON GLOBE – PLYMOUTH To The Moon and Back, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the smallest victims of the opioid epidemic — children born substance exposed — and their caregivers will hold a benefit fund-raiser featuring dancing and live music by Soul City Band. Called “Adult Prom Night,” the event will take place at Alden Park Bar and Grill, 160 Colony Place, on Friday, Sept. 27, from 6:30 to 11 p.m. Tickets are $100 and are available at adultpromnight.eventbrite.com.
WEYMOUTH Jake Armerding will highlight music from his latest album, “Sweet Octaves,” featuring an octave violin, an instrument with thicker strings tuned to a lower octave, in the first concert of a new season of Music at Sanctuary Hall. Bridgewater folk duo Andy and Judy Daigle will open the show. The concert will take place at East Weymouth Congregational Church, 1320 Commercial St., on Saturday, Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. Admission is $10. For more information, visit musicatsanctuaryhall.org.
BROCKTON Cold Chocolate is a genre-bending Americana band that fuses folk, funk, and bluegrass, has won recognition for its original music and high-energy shows. The Boston-based group featuring Ethan Robbins on guitar and Ariel Bernstein on percussion will perform at the Javawocky Coffeehouse at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brockton, 325 West Elm St., on Saturday, Sept. 28, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $18. Visit www.javawockyuu.com.
KINGSTON Author and Kingston resident Lisa Duffy will speak on her new novel, “This is Home,” the story of an unlikely friendship between a teenager and a woman whose husband suffers from PTSD. The program, part of the Kingston Public Library’s “Fall Author Talks,” will take place at the Kingston Council on Aging, 30 Evergreen St., on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. It’s free. For more information, visit
By Robert Knox, correspondent