Sheila Courtney grew up watching and helping her mother make pies for the holidays.
“I learned all my cooking and baking skills from her – with some recent help from the Great British Baking Show,” she said.
On Nov. 6, Courtney placed first in the Home Baker category of the Great New England Pumpkin Pie Contest sponsored by Plimoth Patuxet Museums.
Courtney, a Scituate native who still resides in town, was “absolutely” surprised she won.
“There were also categories for professional bakers and junior bakers,” she said. “Michelle McGrath of Scituate, and author of ‘The Creative Table’ cookbook, was one of the judges.”
Courtney learned about the contest while listening to the radio after losing power during the nor’easter last month.
“I thought that it sounded like fun and I registered,” she said. “I never would have known about it if we hadn’t lost power. The contest was held at Plimoth Patuxet Museum. It was very professional, with seven judges with relevant backgrounds including cookbook authors and a professor at Johnson & Wales.”
The pies were displayed on tables and judged on creativity, appearance, crust, and taste, she said.
“The judging took about two hours. There were 20 home bakers, one junior, and four professional entries.”
Courtney has only entered a pie in a contest one other time, she said.
“Years ago I placed second in an apple pie contest held in North Scituate. I made that pie with a cheddar crust, but I lost out to a Dutch crumb topping.”

The joy of baking
Baking is almost therapeutic, Courtney said.
“I listen to music while I bake and I put a lot of love into it knowing that it will be for my family and friends to enjoy.”
In addition to her award-winning pumpkin pie, she also bakes fruit pies, with apple probably being her second most-baked pie.
Her personal favorite is pumpkin.
“No whipped cream allowed,” she said.
And not surprisingly, her favorite pie to bake is also pumpkin.
“As a native of the South Shore, baking pumpkin pie gives me a strong connection to place. Knowing that pumpkin pie was basically born here, I feel like I am carrying on a tradition. It helps that it is also delicious.”
She also bakes other things besides pies.
“I make a mean pumpkin date nut bread,” she said. “I seem to be good with pumpkin-based baking.”
Tips for a winning pie
Ingredients are always important, Courtney said, and suggests bakers check their spices and make sure they are fresh and not expired.
“Use the best locally-sourced ingredients whenever you can. And for pumpkin recipes, I use One-Pie canned pumpkin. It is originally from New England.”
When asked what sort of advice she would give people who want to bake a pie, Courtney’s first words were, “you can do it.”

“Bake with love and be relaxed and it will all work out,” she said. “I think the crust stresses people out, but it is actually only about three ingredients. Try making it homemade but have a store bought crust on hand just in case.”
She even shares a few secrets to her winning pumpkin pies.
“A little citrus zest in the custard keeps it bright,” she said. “Use a high quality, high-fat butter in the crust. Try par-baking the crust before you add the filling.”
As for her win, Courtney said it was “great” but the best part of the day was meeting other bakers and exchanging tips and ideas.
“Everyone was so nice, including the judges and the amazing folks at Plimoth Patuxet,” she said. “At the contest, people were asking if I sell my pies. I had never considered that before, but I am now.”
For more information on Plimoth Patuxet Museums visit plimoth.org
By Ruth Thompson