ENSEMBLE / PARALLAX concert: 8 p.m. Sept. 27, The Armory, 191 Highland Ave., Somerville. Cost: $20; $10, students and seniors. For information: http://artsatthearmory.org. Contemporary music and multimedia group ENSEMBLE / PARALLAX comprises instrumentalists, led by artistic director and conductor Peyman Farzinpour, performing a program centered on Italian works featuring Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino, culminating in the American premiere of a work by composer Patricia Alessandrini. The performances will premiere three multimedia video commissions, each custom created for its companion music counterpart by German multimedia artist Wolfgang Lehmann.
Jack Attack: Oct. 5 and 11, Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square. Cost: $11. For information: http://somervilletheatre.com/repertory-programs. Somerville Theatre will host a retrospective on the films of Jack Nicholson, ranging from early roles to recent ones.
Citizenship Interview Preparation Class: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays through Nov. 23, Somerville Public Library Central Library, 79 Highland Ave. Free. For information: http://bit.ly/citizenshipprepclass. The Somerville Public Library and the St. Mark Community Education Program will hold a 12-week Citizenship Interview Preparation Class which will prepare students for all parts of the citizenship test. Prospective students must have a basic understanding of English and must hold a legal permanent resident card for five years, three years if married to a U.S. citizen. Registration will take place on the first day of class.
Memory Café hosting Dance Troupe: 10 a.m. to noon, third Friday of the month, Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Mass Ave. Free. For information and registration: 617-628-2614, ext. 607; info@eldercare.org. The Cambridge Connections Memory Café presents “Dance Me A Story,” a performance of dance, narration and song by the Back Pocket Dancers — a nine-member intergenerational dance company. Cambridge Connections is a free social gathering for people with dementia and their partners. Registration is requested, but not required. Anyone who requires personal care assistance must be accompanied by a care partner.
Not Your Father’s Improv: This improvisation group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at Unity Somerville, 6 William St. A donation of $5 to the Unity Church per session is required.