Greater challenges than ever before confront small businesses, nonprofits, performing artists and cultural institutions in their highly competitive industry environments. Insightful, creative solutions to marketing and public relations are essential requirements today for sustaining longevity in these industries.
Established in 2009, Michelle McGrath PR | Media Relations is founded on these principals, optimizing client visibility through a targeted, strategic approach to marketing strategy, public relations, media administration, and event vision. Tapping a passion for culture and creativity, McGrath PR serves launching and established small businesses, nonprofit institutions, arts organizations, authors, restaurateurs, independent and ensemble performing artists, historical, community, and cultural institutions and more.
Creating intricately customized strategies to catapult widespread visibility results in media campaign success that provides tangible results. As a subscriber to an international on-demand media database, we have real-time access to 1.1 million journalists, bloggers and media outlets that optimize our media relations, news distribution and news monitoring capabilities. We’re available for long-term public relations strategies, social media platform administration, brand identity exploration, short-term projects, event planning and consulting. Find your solution, strike up a conversation!
As a public relations professional, bestselling cookbook author, home cook, fine artist and vocal musician, Michelle McGrath is passionate about her “life as art” approach to business, the kitchen and creative adventures. She founded McGrath PR in 2010, a niche public relations company, forging innovative marketing solutions through traditional, digital and social platforms for the arts and entertainment, culture, food, non-profit and small business sectors. In 2020, she embraced her first adventure as an author, and published “The Creative Table – Inspired Recipes that Nourish, Gather and Unite” cookbook, which soared to a bestseller just 10 days after its debut. Most recently she expanded her career, appointed as Managing Director of A Swingin’ Affair Big Band, featuring 20 all-star performing artists from the Boston region. She is a devoted arts advocate, collaborating with, founding and serving on several Massachusetts cultural councils and arts institution boards and committees.
Michelle often serves as a public speaker, delivering lectures on public relations, social media, embracive marketing, audience growth and digital book publishing. Her appointment as arts and entertainment correspondent was a founding facet of PACTV’s PCN Community News, the premiere regional television news program south of Boston. Dovetailing her love of cooking into her career, she has enjoyed creating inventive menus and chairing numerous social event series for regional non-profit organizations. Having raised three beloved children in the metro-Boston area, she is now settled in the South Shore’s coastal community of Scituate, at home in sight of the Atlantic ocean, the source of many images adorning her cookbook.
The Plymouth Bay Cultural District committee originated strong working relationships among nearly 150 of the District’s established cultural asset organizations, helping to increase community and tourism by promoting the vast cultural experiences in the area to visitors and locals alike. The District continues to be instrumental in collaborating with leaders as they plan programs and events commemorating Plymouth’s quadricentennial celebration and beyond.
The Greater Plymouth Performing Arts Center, Inc. (GPPAC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2010 and dedicated to performing arts and educational programs which support the vibrant arts community in the greater South Shore region. The organization founded The Spire, a venue to serve as a mecca for the arts and showcasing music, theatre and dance performances as well as education that supports the performing arts. Tremendous acoustics, sightlines, and an architecturally beautiful interior are The Spire’s trademark. The 225-seat performance hall features superior acoustics, custom state of the art lighting and sound systems and original period architectural details offering patrons an exceptional performing arts experience. The 3-story building resides in the epicenter of America’s Hometown where the growing arts vibe infuses the historical and cultural district with creativity year-round. The Spire’s lower level is dedicated to classrooms for performing arts education and theater troupes, a state of the art recording studio, rehearsal studios and community activities.
Established in 2009, McGrath PR serves the arts, culture, nonprofit, and small business sectors, creating visibility across traditional, digital, and social media landscapes, centered in the Greater Boston region, across Massachusetts, New England, throughout the United States, and around the globe.